Ant and Dec: Celebrating 30 years is about exactly what it says. Ant and Dec take us back in time through the last thirty years of their lives.
The book is set out like Ant and Dec are having a conversation. I really liked this because their humour shined through this way and it didn't feel like I had to force myself to read paragraphs upon paragraphs of 'I did this, I did that', etc.
With this conversation style writing it also added a little bit of enjoyment to the story like you were actually there with them. Again, the humour was great between the two and events had a good balance I loved the fact that others, like Stephen Mullhern, chipped in when they or an event with them were being discussed.
There's not really much else to say because I did really like it and it's a great autobiography with lots of unseen pictures from the set of Saturday Night Takeaway and all their other shows. They also spill some secrets (that they probably shouldn't be) from these shows too!
I do highly recommend if you love Ant and Dec or are a fan of autobiographies! I shall be buying their previous ones too!
Rating: 5 stars
Would I Recommend? Yes