I like Killing Eve, but I didn't love it. The characters fell a bit flat for me - Eve wasn't actually introduced until 2/3 of the way through the book and considering she's a main part of the plot line (AND she's named in the title) it doesn't make much sense. Villanelle.. There was no mystery to the assassin. Most of the book is explaining who she is and how she became an assassin. I don't want that, I want ACTION from her. There was too much emphasis on her sex life too.
However, I did like the introduction of the Twelve, Villanelle's employers. Now there's a mystery to solve! I also like the ending - it redeemed the rest of the book! Won't spoil it but it was really good!
If you don't like really long chapters (I'm talking about 40 pages per chapter) then this one definitely isn't for you. I nearly gave up because the chapters were WAY to long, and I think I would've felt differently about the characters if the chapters were shorter.
I'd recommend it if you like assassins, but otherwise I wouldn't. Let's see if that changes in book 2.